“When you’re at your best for YOU,
you are at your best for those
around you.”
~ Jess Johnson
Prioritizing Your Needs is a Necessity, not a Luxury.
Hi, I'm Jess Johnson, therapist-turned-Life-Coach who works with Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Leaders to *actually* prioritize their Well-Being without guilt. I combine mindset coaching with somatic techniques* in order to release my clients from all the 'isms like perfectionism, comparisonism*, Imposter Syndronism, etc., that make them feel as though they are doing things wrong instead of embracing themselves as the Innovators they are.
(*This is a fancy way of talking about mind-body connection)
(**Yes, I might have made up my own words here because... 1. I get to do what I want, and 2. I know you know exactly what I mean)
I'm most passionate about disrupting the status quo that tells us being busy and making money are the greatest markers for success, and that the best way to motivate ourselves is through negative self talk and judgement, when really, the best motivation comes from the freedom to explore what goals and dreams are actually meant for us. It's my mission to get as many people as possible to embody this for themselves in order to be the inspiration for others, so that so the world can be a safer, more compassionate world for everyone in it.
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Ready to tap (pun intended) into your personal (r)evolution?
Then you’ve come to the right place to make MAGIC happen.
And by magic, I mean the science-backed, evidence-based, and peer-reviewed modality of Emotional Freedom Techniques, most commonly referred to as EFT Tapping, or simply Tapping. The modality is stress reduction method that involves tapping on points around the body that calm the central nervous system, allowing you to feel what you need to feel without getting lost in a sea of despair, and explore the thoughts in your head without the fear you're going to drown in the self-judgement.
It's an incredible tool that anyone can use to process unwanted thoughts and emotions in order to make room for more of what you actually do want to think and feel, such as being able to feel proud you did your best regardless of the outcome of trying something new, or being able to relax fully outside of business instead of worrying about all of the things you should be doing, or knowing that despite heavy things happening in the world, you make an impact each and every day.
When you work with me, you not only gain practical tools for mind and body that you will use for the rest of your life, but we will do deep work together that allows you to safely, gently, and quickly get to the root cause of what's holding you back, which is often something hiding in plain sight.
From Kimberly, a Certified Clinical EFT Practitioner:
“I am a Certified Clinical EFT Practitioner. This was my first experience with Matrix Reimprinting [a deeper form of EFT]. What surprised me most about this session was the discovery of the most obvious root of a limiting core belief that I have been working on for years. It was hiding in plain sight – a memory I had not thought of, possibly ever. . . I would not hesitate to refer anyone to Jess. Not only is she an insightful and masterful EFT practitioner . . . she is fun, funny, and fully authentic, and when the session becomes more serious in nature, she has the ability to keep you comfortable and safe.”
“Sorcery? I thought we were talkin’ about science!?”
""This feels like witchcraft" is one of the most common sentences I hear from clients at some point in their journey with me, because they are shocked at just how quickly they are able to shift into new ways of thinking and feeling.
No longer do they waste time wondering why they feel they way they do when they know things are actually going well- they believe it with every fiber of their being.
No longer do they default to believing their Inner Critic when that voice is expressing self-doubt, they know, deep into their bones, that doubt shows up just when they are closest to achieving what they want and so they do not make it a problem.
No longer do they worry they are doing something wrong when implementing a new idea, because they know that they are paving the way for a new way of doing things.
And whereas they might still give a fuck about what others think (because that is a very human reaction), they actually know which fucks to give... and that their opinion of themselves is more important than what anyone else thinks.
In simplest terms, EFT Tapping allows you to calm your body and quiet your mind so you can listen to your Inner Wisdom, which is that part of you that has the answers you seek, should you choose the courage to follow where that voice leads.
“Societal Change Begins at the Individual Level.”
~ Jess Johnson